Friday, February 28, 2014


NASA’s Kepler discovers 715 new planets, many of which are near-Earth sized:

 Using a brand new and totally out of this world statistical astrophysical mathematical approach, NASA’s Kepler mission has announced the discovery of 715 new planets — almost doubling the total number of known exoplanets to nearly 1,700. These planets orbit just 305 stars, meaning they belong to multiple-planet solar systems just like our own — and, perhaps excitingly, nearly all of the planets are smaller than Neptune, which is only four times larger than Earth (most planets discovered before now have been much larger and not Earth-like)

Extreme teleworking from Everest Base Camp:

Technical planning to work remotely from 5,000 metres above sea level in the Himalayas using a Kindle Fire tablet to access an online project tracking system The pay-per-use project tracking software from Atlassian will enable Byro to work remotely from the side of the world’s largest mountain, Everest in the Himalayas, during a fundraising trek for The National Museum of Computing. Remote working usually involves a string of problems and concerns along the lines of: ‘How do I connect my work laptop to the network from my dining room table?’ During the Olympics last summer, thousands of London commuters successfully managed to connect to virtual private networks (VPN), dial into conference calls and write up reports without having to face the crowds in the city.
 remote working involves going a lot further afield, with a lack of hardware, limited networking resources and an insufficient amount of oxygen at 5,000 metres above sea level, at Everest Base Camp


National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park.  “Conserving computing history is very important. The problems we face in computer security and architecture today are the same problems as decades ago. The material and languages have changed, but the fundamental challenges haven’t changed at all,” said Byro. “We need to conserve this and communicate the history out, and perhaps people can use that in their consideration of solutions today.”

